Friday, May 17, 2013

The Rainforest Cafe Through my Kids eyes!

We are a big family & we don't always get to go out into public as a family. Frankly it takes a lot to get us all out the door lol!

So when we had a chance to take the wee ones out for a "safari inside" they were game! 

Now I admit the Rainforest Cafe is a very tourist spot & the prices match that. But to watch my kids eyes light up when the elephants beside us started moving like a stampede their squeals of delight will be something that will stay with me forever. 

I decided to give the toddlers my phone to run around and take pictures. Here are a few that I really enjoy. 

Lastly they were very interested with the "man in the pool"

It is always a wonder for me to look at the world from their eyes. Find out what catches their attention & interests them. 

Maybe next time your out hand your kids the camera & see what they are seeing!


  1. Rainforest is great for kids isn't it! I really wish it wasn't so expensive though. :)

    1. It is! They had so much fun... But it totally brakes the bank to have that kind of fun. But it was so worth the memories :)
